"The members of my team and I worked with Mrs. Julien’s guidance to focus our systems of teacher support, strengthen the design of our curriculum and assessments, and adjust our instruction using formative data. Within two years, with the support we received from Mrs. Julien, our students were able to double, and in many cases, triple their proficiency on statewide assessments."
Eric Dueppen, Chief Academic Officer
Phoenix, Arizona
"From the git go, Angie was able to identify core deficits, provide meaningful training to both administrators and teachers, and organize data to show growth to encourage progress. She did not tell us what to do. She walked the messy walk with us. All hands in! She linked all best practices to current research and anchored all relationships in the core belief that everyone can succeed."
Donna Therrien, Director of Education for Hawaii Agriculture
Oahu, Hawaii
Look out for her new book from ASCD on instructional coaching.